Sunday, May 10, 2009

I can't decide, can't decide, can't decide annnything.

So I cut all my hair off. I've been thinking about it for months and it finally happened. I've been losing my hair for about 7 months and the longer it got the worse it looked... Unfortunately this haircut is pretty tragic and it only looks cute if the top half is pulled up. If I wear it down it's total mom hair. I'm also on my way to becoming a blond again. Fucking finally.

Pix of the new hair:

My roommate laughed at me and I started crying. :\

I'm booking my plane ticket home soon. I am going to bring back all of my summer clothes, knitting books and this bowl:

One day some dude will be lucky enough to lay in bed with me and my cat and eat ice cream out of this blue cat bowl that matches my pink cat bowl. Some day....

Friday, May 1, 2009

"Please don't stop looking at me"

I went the the doctor for the first time in about 12 years I think. I do manage to go see the girly vagina doctor every year but not like PCP medical doctors. I've had some things going on for months that I finally couldn't deal with anymore.. now I get to play the waiting game while Dr. R figures out if I'm dying or not. I'm 99% sure I'm not but I'd be 100 % less stressed if I was. Oh well.

It was 90 degrees the other day so I bought some dresses. I've missed wearing dresses. Also, I recently got two bathing suits in the mail.... Costa Rica here I come. One is totally bangin. One makes me look like a giant whore. Whatever. Kenny loves one-pieces.

Life has been fun lately. I went to a fundraiser event with my roommate. Tons of handsome dudes in suits. Free booze. Dancing and singing and flirty smiles. Ugh. I need more men in suits in my life. Every time Maura left me alone I had some nerd come bother me. In the first ten minutes I was there I had three dudes try to talk to me/get me to dance/annoy me.

Lately I'm beginning to feel a little less alone up here. I like that I can walk down the street in Allston or Brighton or Brookline and run into someone I know. I like that people actually seem to enjoy my company. I still wish some people played different roles in my life but oh well. Life isn't about getting what I want I guess.

Either way, I still can't wait to go home in June and see my friends and family and my handsome little devil, Petri!

...and if I didn't know better I'd think Rocky Votolato wrote "Whiskey Straight" about me.