Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I learn lessons the hard way.

I guess I'm blogging again.

I've got a whole lot of nothing to say for anyone who doesn't give a fuck to read.
That sounds weird when said out loud but I think it was properly worded... maybe I'm missing some punctuation. Who cares.

I'm back in Boston. I'm not really sure what I was thinking. For the second time I've left friends and family, and oh my god this time I left my cat, just to be alone. I hope this doesn't become a habit. I'm still trying to conquer nail-biting. If Petri was here I don't think things would be so bad.

One day it will be just me and him like it's supposed to be. No roomates. No heart-breaking boys. No + 1's. I really will be the crazy cat lady.

For now I guess I just have to settle for sitting in my room while singing songs to myself and reading old letters and postcards and birthday cards and small notes and other things that make me smile and make me sad. I just want to say that if you have ever given me anything that meant something, I still have it.

This is only a small fraction.

Shout out to the people who made me this way:

leave me alone.


  1. yes it sucks. it sucks donkey. i'm sorry you got bitched out over a candle, but you do have that creepy mutant power of sucking tiny amounts of money out of peoples purses just before they pay for candles.

  2. i miss you too susan. it's kinda weird not havin you right down the block
