Sunday, May 10, 2009

I can't decide, can't decide, can't decide annnything.

So I cut all my hair off. I've been thinking about it for months and it finally happened. I've been losing my hair for about 7 months and the longer it got the worse it looked... Unfortunately this haircut is pretty tragic and it only looks cute if the top half is pulled up. If I wear it down it's total mom hair. I'm also on my way to becoming a blond again. Fucking finally.

Pix of the new hair:

My roommate laughed at me and I started crying. :\

I'm booking my plane ticket home soon. I am going to bring back all of my summer clothes, knitting books and this bowl:

One day some dude will be lucky enough to lay in bed with me and my cat and eat ice cream out of this blue cat bowl that matches my pink cat bowl. Some day....


  1. Cute bowl . . . I can't get it out of my head that the cat has two mouths though.

    Non sequitur:


  2. I was totally looking at it wrong, I guess. :/

    At first, I took the kitty's collar to be a smiling mouth and the tag to be a tongue . . . as in "yum, ice cream . . . and now I lick my lips!" And I took the curvy lines coming from the nose to be whiskers instead of the typical cat mouth.

    I stared at my two cats' faces for the last month or so . . . and then I realized my folly and have come back to report upon my error.

    My bad, yo.
